div({style:{background:'lavender', padding:'10px', fontSize:'130%', textAlign:'center'}}, b('Hello '), span('world', {className:'pink'}), '!', br(), br(), table({style:{margin:'0 auto', width:'300px'}}, tbody( tr( td({style:{background:'#ccc'}}, a({href:''}, 'A link!') ), td({style:{background:'#fff'}}, img({src:'/images/blog/logos/elzr.gif'}) ) ) ) ) )
- A 16-line hack to make the JS DOM API a tad more humane
- 有名?ここのコメント欄が、関連情報のアンテナがわりに使える。
// Lowpro style ( $w('a div p form').each(function(e) { window['$' + e] = function() { return new Element(e, arguments[0]); } }); // $form({action: '/foo', method: 'post'});
- の Builderではこう。
element = Builder.node('div',{id:'ghosttrain'},[ Builder.node('div',{className:'controls',style:'font-size:11px'},[ Builder.node('h1','Ghost Train'), "testtext", 2, 3, 4, Builder.node('ul',[ Builder.node('li',{className:'active', onclick:'test()'},'Record') ]), ]), ]);
creates (without newlines):
<div id="ghosttrain"> <div class="controls" style="font-size:11px"> <h1>Ghost Train</h1> testtext234 <ul> <li class="active" onclick="test()">Record</li> </ul> </div> </div>